It's time to ditch neoprene. Here are seven alternative winter wetsuits for responsible surfersWetsuit innovations have improved warmth but raise ethical concerns regarding neoprene production's impact on local communities.Repairing existing wetsuits can minimize environmental impact compared to purchasing new ones.
Bay Area surfer dudes, friends since daycare, build and live the dream with wetsuit companyFriendship forged in childhood led to successful wetsuit company, FERAL, founded by Salz and Bonneau.
It's time to ditch neoprene. Here are seven alternative winter wetsuits for responsible surfersWetsuit innovations have improved warmth but raise ethical concerns regarding neoprene production's impact on local communities.Repairing existing wetsuits can minimize environmental impact compared to purchasing new ones.
Bay Area surfer dudes, friends since daycare, build and live the dream with wetsuit companyFriendship forged in childhood led to successful wetsuit company, FERAL, founded by Salz and Bonneau.