Weird Islanders: The Podcast! - Episode 61 - Weird Islanders Quarter Century TeamThe article discusses the unique history of the New York Islanders since 2000, focusing on transient yet memorable players.Mike and Dan create teams based on players who made an impression despite short stints with the Islanders.
Weird Islanders: The Podcast! - Episode 46 - An Islanders Minor League Tour (with guest Kevin Schultz)Islanders have had diverse minor league affiliates in various locations.Some players from the minor league affiliates became Stanley Cup champions, while others did not join the Islanders.
Weird Islanders: The Podcast! - Episode 52 - Live at Offside NYCListener meetup at Offside NYC to share tales of Weird Islanders and discussion on coaches and Leboff's life. Exciting jersey stories and a preview of next season.