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Slate Magazine
4 months ago
Media industry

Why Sites Like Gawker and the Messenger Go Blank-and Why It Doesn't Have to Be This Way

Employees at Vice worried about the potential shutdown of the website and layoffs due to a rumored shift to a 'studio model'. Management emphasized transitioning focus to social media channels.
Media companies like Vice face uncertainty as they move away from traditional journalism and pivot towards different models, potentially impacting employee job security. [ more ]
4 months ago
Web design

Create a Decent One-Page Local Business Site

Google will shut down websites and redirect searchers to Google Business Profile by June 10, risking customers mistakenly thinking the business is closed.
Invest time in optimizing Google Business Profile with categories, images, videos, and Updates posts to act as a website stand-in and maintain an active online presence. [ more ]
Above the Law
3 weeks ago

Columbia Law Review On Strike After Board Of Directors' Censorship

Columbia Law Review faced backlash and a student strike after the Board of Directors shut down their website to prevent readers from accessing an article, prompting demands for editorial independence. [ more ]
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