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1 month ago
Canada news

New fusarium head blight risk mapping tool launched for Prairie farmers

Farmers in Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba have a new risk mapping tool for assessing FHB, damaged kernels, and DON levels in wheat and barley based on real-time weather data. [ more ]
4 months ago
New York City

They Predict New York Weather, but They're Not in New York

Many weather forecasts for New York are written by meteorologists located outside of the city.
Data from automated weather stations and spotters in the city provide accurate information to forecasters who are not physically present in New York. [ more ]
6 months ago

Climate Change Makes East Africa's Deadly Floods Worse, Study Finds

Heavy rain and floods in East Africa have killed at least 300 people and displaced millions.
This year's extreme rainfall is about double what it would have been without human-caused climate change. [ more ]
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