#visa-free travel

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5 months ago
Germany news

Living in Germany: The benefits of holding a German passport and Tatort

Germany has one of the most powerful passports in the world, allowing citizens to travel to 194 countries without a visa.
The German Bundestag is expected to pass a new naturalization law, making it easier for foreign citizens to obtain a German passport. [ more ]
5 months ago
France news

World's most powerful passports for 2024 revealed

Six countries share the top spot for the world's most powerful passports in 2024, offering visa-free access to 194 destinations.
The gap between the most and least powerful passports has significantly grown since the index began in 2006. [ more ]
5 months ago
Germany news

Living in Germany: The benefits of holding a German passport and Tatort

Germany has one of the most powerful passports in the world, allowing citizens to travel to 194 countries without a visa.
The German Bundestag is expected to pass a new naturalization law, making it easier for foreign citizens to obtain a German passport. [ more ]
5 months ago
France news

World's most powerful passports for 2024 revealed

Six countries share the top spot for the world's most powerful passports in 2024, offering visa-free access to 194 destinations.
The gap between the most and least powerful passports has significantly grown since the index began in 2006. [ more ]
7 months ago
Europe politics

Fivefold rise in number of EU citizens refused entry to UK since Brexit

The number of EU citizens refused entry to the UK since Brexit has increased fivefold.
The impact of the end of free movement after Brexit is evident in the increased number of EU citizens turned away at the border.
The data raises questions about the hostility shown by Border Force officials despite the agreement for visa-free travel. [ more ]
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