'If they close, they close': Education Secretary brushes off private schools' fate while praising Trump's war planThe UK Government maintains its VAT policy on private school fees, despite concerns over potential closures.
Report backing Labour's private school VAT policy written by minister's close friendLabour's VAT proposal on private schools faces scrutiny due to a potential conflict of interest in the supporting report's authorship.
Starmer hails boost for state schools as VAT raid on private schools comes into forceKeir Starmer's VAT policy on private schools aims to significantly boost funding for state education.
Private schools to take legal action against planned VAT on feesThe ISC is challenging the UK government's VAT on private school fees due to potential negative impacts on families and students.
School VAT tax raid to go ahead in major win for Bridget PhillipsonEducation minister Bridget Phillipson defends VAT tax on private schools, asserting it prioritizes state school resource allocation.
Labour is planning 'for the worst' as private schools could collapse amid Chancellor's VAT raid - London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.comLabour's new VAT on private schools may lead to significant student transfers to state schools and potential school closures.
'If they close, they close': Education Secretary brushes off private schools' fate while praising Trump's war planThe UK Government maintains its VAT policy on private school fees, despite concerns over potential closures.
Report backing Labour's private school VAT policy written by minister's close friendLabour's VAT proposal on private schools faces scrutiny due to a potential conflict of interest in the supporting report's authorship.
Starmer hails boost for state schools as VAT raid on private schools comes into forceKeir Starmer's VAT policy on private schools aims to significantly boost funding for state education.
Private schools to take legal action against planned VAT on feesThe ISC is challenging the UK government's VAT on private school fees due to potential negative impacts on families and students.
School VAT tax raid to go ahead in major win for Bridget PhillipsonEducation minister Bridget Phillipson defends VAT tax on private schools, asserting it prioritizes state school resource allocation.
Labour is planning 'for the worst' as private schools could collapse amid Chancellor's VAT raid - London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.comLabour's new VAT on private schools may lead to significant student transfers to state schools and potential school closures.
Trump's tariff threat: UK businesses could face higher trade taxesUK businesses may face higher trade taxes as Trump plans reciprocal tariffs including VAT calculations.
UK needs cool, clear thinking' in face of Trump's tariff threat, says Peter Kyle UK politics liveThe UK must approach potential US trade tariffs with clear thinking and assess national interests.The Trump administration threatens new tariffs, viewing EU VAT as a tariff equivalent.
Vat rate for hospitality should be hiked, not cut to 9pc, says OECDOECD recommends reforming personal tax system and adjusting VAT rates to broaden the tax base and increase revenue.
Why is VAT being added to private school fees?Private school fees are now subject to a 20% VAT, with funds earmarked for enhancing state school resources, primarily in teacher recruitment.
Could Labour's plan to put VAT on private schools lead to parents 'Finding Religion'Labour Party proposes VAT on private schools to level the education playing field.
Streeting tells private schools to cut cloth like state schools' over VAT worriesRising VAT on school fees may price families out of private education, as schools increasingly hike fees.
Message to Labour: don't tax school fees. Make private schools work for the public good | Simon JenkinsImpose VAT on private schools to benefit deprived state schools may lead to unintended consequences.
Half could move children out of private education and into state schools if 20% VAT is added to school fees - London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.com24% of parents/grandparents consider moving children from private to state schools if 20% VAT imposed on fees.
Private schools vote for legal action over VAT plansThe Independent Schools Council is initiating a legal challenge against the government's introduction of VAT on private school fees.
Why is VAT being added to private school fees?Private school fees are now subject to a 20% VAT, with funds earmarked for enhancing state school resources, primarily in teacher recruitment.
Could Labour's plan to put VAT on private schools lead to parents 'Finding Religion'Labour Party proposes VAT on private schools to level the education playing field.
Streeting tells private schools to cut cloth like state schools' over VAT worriesRising VAT on school fees may price families out of private education, as schools increasingly hike fees.
Message to Labour: don't tax school fees. Make private schools work for the public good | Simon JenkinsImpose VAT on private schools to benefit deprived state schools may lead to unintended consequences.
Half could move children out of private education and into state schools if 20% VAT is added to school fees - London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.com24% of parents/grandparents consider moving children from private to state schools if 20% VAT imposed on fees.
Private schools vote for legal action over VAT plansThe Independent Schools Council is initiating a legal challenge against the government's introduction of VAT on private school fees.
10,000 fewer children in private schools ahead of Labour's VAT policy, warns sectorParents are pulling children from private schools due to impending VAT on fees, indicating a shift towards state education.
Labour's private school tax plan strongly backed by public, poll showsThe government is moving forward with a VAT on private school fees, supported by public opinion despite criticism from opponents.
Reeves facing unlikely alliance of private schools and unions calling for VAT delayPressure is mounting on Rachel Reeves to delay her tax proposal on private education fees due to concerns about job losses and educational disruption.
10,000 fewer children in private schools ahead of Labour's VAT policy, warns sectorParents are pulling children from private schools due to impending VAT on fees, indicating a shift towards state education.
Labour's private school tax plan strongly backed by public, poll showsThe government is moving forward with a VAT on private school fees, supported by public opinion despite criticism from opponents.
Reeves facing unlikely alliance of private schools and unions calling for VAT delayPressure is mounting on Rachel Reeves to delay her tax proposal on private education fees due to concerns about job losses and educational disruption.
Landlords and solicitor among those on latest tax-defaulter listIndividuals face severe financial penalties for under-declaring taxes, with recent cases reaching hundreds of thousands of euros in settlements.
HMRC now issuing more and more of its heaviest fines for VAT errors - London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.comHMRC has increased its penalties for 'deliberate' VAT errors by 38%, resulting in substantial fines for businesses.
Landlords and solicitor among those on latest tax-defaulter listIndividuals face severe financial penalties for under-declaring taxes, with recent cases reaching hundreds of thousands of euros in settlements.
HMRC now issuing more and more of its heaviest fines for VAT errors - London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.comHMRC has increased its penalties for 'deliberate' VAT errors by 38%, resulting in substantial fines for businesses.
Navigating Tax Obligations for Your Business: Essential InsightsUnderstanding tax obligations is vital for UK businesses to ensure compliance and avoid pitfalls.
Paying private school fees years ahead may create VAT disputes, experts warnParents are paying private school fees in advance to avoid Labour's VAT plans, which may lead to potential tax disputes and legal challenges in the future.
EU tax breaks could benefit dealers at BaselAround half of Art Basel's galleries are in Switzerland, and an EU VAT directive affecting art sales is a key concern for exhibitors.