Electric Picnic weather: Met Eireann predicts sunshine as festival-goers urged to bring suncreamThe Stradbally festival weekend will feature mostly sunny weather with potential scattered showers, urging attendees to prepare accordingly.
Good Day, Brooklyn!The current weather is sunny with a temperature of 36°F.The UV Index is 0, indicating low pressure and a rising trend in pressure.
Good Day, Brooklyn!The current weather is sunny with a temperature of 27°F.The UV index is 0, the pressure is 30.23 and rising, and the visibility is 14 miles.
Good Day, Brooklyn!The current weather is mostly cloudy with a low UV Index.The hourly forecast, 7 day forecast, and sunrise/sunset times are available.
Good Day, Brooklyn!The current weather is cloudy with a temperature of 35°F.The UV index is low, the pressure is rising, and visibility is 10 miles.
Good Day, Brooklyn!The current weather is light rain with a temperature of 38°FThe UV index is low at 0
Good Day, Brooklyn!The current weather is sunny with a temperature of 36°F.The UV Index is 0, indicating low pressure and a rising trend in pressure.
Good Day, Brooklyn!The current weather is sunny with a temperature of 27°F.The UV index is 0, the pressure is 30.23 and rising, and the visibility is 14 miles.
Good Day, Brooklyn!The current weather is mostly cloudy with a low UV Index.The hourly forecast, 7 day forecast, and sunrise/sunset times are available.
Good Day, Brooklyn!The current weather is cloudy with a temperature of 35°F.The UV index is low, the pressure is rising, and visibility is 10 miles.
Good Day, Brooklyn!The current weather is light rain with a temperature of 38°FThe UV index is low at 0
Good Day, Brooklyn!The current weather is sunny with a temperature of 46°F.The UV index is low at 1.
Good Day, Brooklyn!AccuWeather provides current weather information, including UV index and pressure.AccuWeather offers hourly and 7-day forecasts, as well as sunrise and sunset times.
Good Day, Brooklyn!Current weather is sunny with a temperature of 46°F.UV index is low at 1.The weather is expected to remain steady with a visibility of 10 miles and a humidity of 72%.
Good Day, Brooklyn!The current weather is mostly sunny with a temperature of 43°F.The UV index is 1, indicating low UV exposure.The pressure is 30.4 steady, visibility is 10 miles, and humidity is 61%.
Good Day, Brooklyn!The current weather is sunny with a temperature of 46°F.The UV index is low at 1.
Good Day, Brooklyn!AccuWeather provides current weather information, including UV index and pressure.AccuWeather offers hourly and 7-day forecasts, as well as sunrise and sunset times.
Good Day, Brooklyn!Current weather is sunny with a temperature of 46°F.UV index is low at 1.The weather is expected to remain steady with a visibility of 10 miles and a humidity of 72%.
Good Day, Brooklyn!The current weather is mostly sunny with a temperature of 43°F.The UV index is 1, indicating low UV exposure.The pressure is 30.4 steady, visibility is 10 miles, and humidity is 61%.
Good Day, Brooklyn!Mostly cloudy with a temperature of 20°FCurrent UV Index is 0, indicating low UV levels
Good Day, Brooklyn!Current weather is clear with a temperature of 17°F.The UV index is low and the pressure is rising.
Good Day, Brooklyn!The current weather is snowy with a temperature of 28°FThe UV index is low at 0 and the pressure is falling at 29.99
Good Day, Brooklyn!The current weather is mostly clear with a temperature of 24°FThe UV index is low at 0 and the pressure is falling
Good Day, Brooklyn!The current weather is clear with a temperature of 38°F.The UV index is currently at 0 indicating low UV exposure.
Good Day, Brooklyn!The current weather is mostly cloudy with a temperature of 40°F and a low UV Index.The pressure is rising, visibility is at 10 miles, and the humidity is at 64%.
Good Day, Brooklyn!Cloudy with a temperature of 50°FUV Index is 0, pressure is 29.08 and visibility is 10 miles
Good Day, Brooklyn!The current weather is mostly cloudy with a UV index of 0 (low). The pressure is falling and visibility is 10 miles.The current wind speed is 4.2 mph, with gusts up to 9.7 mph. The wind chill is 40°F.
Good Day, Brooklyn!The current weather is partly sunny with a low UV index.The hourly forecast, 7-day forecast, and sunrise/sunset times are available.
Good Day, Brooklyn!The current weather is sunny with low UV index and rising pressure.The hourly and 7-day forecasts are available.
Good Day, Brooklyn!The current weather is sunny.The UV index is low at 0 and the pressure is falling.
Good Day, Brooklyn!The current weather is partly sunny with a temperature of 36°F.The UV Index is 0, indicating low levels of UV radiation.
Good Day, Brooklyn!The current weather is sunny with a temperature of 41°F.The UV index is low, the pressure is steady, and visibility is 10 miles.
from BKReader11 months agoGood Day, Brooklyn!The current weather is mostly cloudy with a temperature of 38°F.The UV Index is 0, indicating a low level of UV radiation.
Good Day, Brooklyn!The current weather is mostly cloudy with a temperature of 38°F.The UV Index is low at 0, and the pressure is falling.
Good Day, Brooklyn!Partly sunny with a temperature of 40°F.UV Index is 0, indicating low pressure and steady visibility of 10 miles.
Good Day, Brooklyn!The current weather is sunny with a temperature of 29°F.The UV index is 1, indicating low pressure.The wind is blowing at 4.4 mph from the west.
Good Day, Brooklyn!Foggy weather with a temperature of 51°FLow UV index of 1Steady pressure of 30.29Limited visibility of 1 mile
Good Day, Brooklyn!The current weather is mostly cloudy with a temperature of 38°F.The UV Index is low at 0.The wind is coming from the northeast at 5.1 mph.
Good Day, Brooklyn!The current weather is sunny with a temperature of 29°F.The UV index is 1, indicating low pressure.The wind is blowing at 4.4 mph from the west.
Good Day, Brooklyn!Foggy weather with a temperature of 51°FLow UV index of 1Steady pressure of 30.29Limited visibility of 1 mile
Good Day, Brooklyn!The current weather is mostly cloudy with a temperature of 38°F.The UV Index is low at 0.The wind is coming from the northeast at 5.1 mph.
from www.bbc.com4 months agoUV index: Levels explained and how to protect yourselfUV radiation has benefits, such as vitamin D production, but excessive exposure can lead to skin damage and increase the risk of skin cancer.