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1 month ago
World news

Biden Says Netanyahu's Approach to the War Is a Mistake

Biden criticizes Netanyahu's handling of Gaza war and urges aid to the region.
Biden's stance on Israel has shifted, showing impatience with Netanyahu and pushing for a cease-fire. [ more ]
3 months ago
Left-wing politics

What Gaza Reveals About the Limits of American Power

The U.S. has always been viewed as the more senior partner in the U.S.-Israel alliance, but growing frustration within the Biden administration over Israel's handling of the war in Gaza has strained the relationship.
Calls to introduce conditions on U.S. aid to Israel have increased in Congress and among U.S. allies. [ more ]
3 months ago
Left-wing politics

The Shaky U.S.-Israel Alliance

Tension between the U.S. and Israel is escalating due to the Gaza war.
President Biden wants Israel to recognize a Palestinian state, which contrasts with Israel's current government's position. [ more ]
3 months ago
World news

US Left Must Link With Progressive Forces in Middle East to Stop Regional War

Tensions in the Middle East are escalating, with recent military strikes and counterretaliation between the US, Iran, and their respective militias in Iraq, Syria, and Yemen.
Iran has been involved in providing military support to various militias in the region, while the US continues to support Israel with significant military aid. [ more ]
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