solid exterior minimizes visual noise in bankog's monochromatic phuffle restaurantThe multi-functional staircase in Phuffle Restaurant is essential for both social interaction and circulation between levels.
Sarv Office Building / Tamouz Architecture & Construction GroupThe Sarv administrative building design balances light and privacy with a façade that interacts with its urban environment.
concrete panels dynamically overlap across didier faustino's housing complex in portugalThe Mártires housing complex by Bureau des Mésarchitectures combines the renovation of a pre-existing small house with a new extension to create a structure that addresses the urban context.
solid exterior minimizes visual noise in bankog's monochromatic phuffle restaurantThe multi-functional staircase in Phuffle Restaurant is essential for both social interaction and circulation between levels.
Sarv Office Building / Tamouz Architecture & Construction GroupThe Sarv administrative building design balances light and privacy with a façade that interacts with its urban environment.
concrete panels dynamically overlap across didier faustino's housing complex in portugalThe Mártires housing complex by Bureau des Mésarchitectures combines the renovation of a pre-existing small house with a new extension to create a structure that addresses the urban context.