Cloudy and rainy day forecast, with cooler day and sub-zero night time temperatures on the way next weekExpect varying temperatures with rain and drizzle spreading across the country, while eastern areas remain dry until later.
Met Eireann issues yellow weather warning for heavy rain on Friday as today to remain blusteryThe national forecaster issued alerts for heavy rain, spot flooding in specific counties, followed by unsettled weather for the weekend.
Met Eireann issues rain warning for three counties on SaturdayExpect dry weather with sunshine in the east and north, and increasing rain in the west throughout the week.
Cloudy and rainy day forecast, with cooler day and sub-zero night time temperatures on the way next weekExpect varying temperatures with rain and drizzle spreading across the country, while eastern areas remain dry until later.
Met Eireann issues yellow weather warning for heavy rain on Friday as today to remain blusteryThe national forecaster issued alerts for heavy rain, spot flooding in specific counties, followed by unsettled weather for the weekend.
Met Eireann issues rain warning for three counties on SaturdayExpect dry weather with sunshine in the east and north, and increasing rain in the west throughout the week.