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1 day ago
Privacy professionals

Unite aims to force vote on winter fuel payment at Labour conference

Unite will push for a vote to reverse winter fuel payment cuts, challenging Labour's leadership during Keir Starmer's first conference in government. [ more ]
4 weeks ago

Binmen go on two-week strike in east London over 'poor working conditions'

Refuse workers in Redbridge strike over poor working conditions after the council's inadequate response to their grievances, facing worse conditions than other employees. [ more ]
1 month ago
Privacy professionals

HS2 Euston tunnel workers secure union access after 'five year campaign'

Union access achieved for HS2 construction workers at Euston after five-year campaign, enhancing support for employment and safety concerns. [ more ]
4 weeks ago

Binmen go on two-week strike in east London over 'poor working conditions'

Refuse workers in Redbridge strike over poor working conditions after the council's inadequate response to their grievances, facing worse conditions than other employees. [ more ]
1 month ago
Privacy professionals

HS2 Euston tunnel workers secure union access after 'five year campaign'

Union access achieved for HS2 construction workers at Euston after five-year campaign, enhancing support for employment and safety concerns. [ more ]
8 months ago
OMG science

How citizen astronomers' in Silicon Valley and around the globe helped NASA track a distant Saturn-sized world

Amateur astronomers worldwide are participating in a research study called UNITE to understand exoplanets like TOI-4600c.
UNITE is sponsored by NASA and organized by the SETI Institute, and re-examines exoplanet candidates spotted by NASA's TESS satellite. [ more ]
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