#undocumented migrants

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4 weeks ago
US Elections

Mass deportations, detention camps, troops on the street: Trump spells out migrant plan

Donald Trump plans massive deportation of undocumented migrants if re-elected, utilizing military and police with creation of detention camps along the southern border. [ more ]
6 months ago
Europe news

Finland's Russian community angry over border closures

Protesters in Helsinki are raising concerns about the closure of four border crossings with Russia, saying it cuts off access to relatives and creates a new 'Iron Curtain'.
Residents with relatives in Russia are worried they won't be able to visit or care for their family members.
Protesters support Finland's right to secure its borders, but don't believe the closures will be effective in stopping undocumented migrants. [ more ]
#asylum seekers
6 months ago
Europe news

Finland to close border crossings after Russian migrant 'malice'

Finland is closing half of its border crossings with Russia due to an increase in undocumented migrants.
The migrants arriving at the border are being described as young, healthy individuals already having residence permits in Russia.
The Finnish government is prepared to take stronger measures if necessary to stop illegal entry into the country. [ more ]
6 months ago
Social justice

Across the globe, compassion for migrants has given way to cruel, performative politics | Kenan Malik

The UK supreme court will give its verdict on the Rwanda deportation scheme, which will have a major impact on those facing deportation.
The deportation scheme is seen as performative policy rather than a serious attempt to tackle the immigration crisis.
Italy is also implementing a similar form of offshore processing with undocumented migrants and asylum seekers being detained in Albania. [ more ]
moreasylum seekers
6 months ago
Public health

French doctors vow to disobey' bill stripping undocumented migrants of healthcare rights

France's conservative-led Senate is pushing to remove free healthcare access for undocumented migrants, sparking outcry from medical professionals.
Health officials warn that removing free healthcare for undocumented migrants will threaten public health and increase long-term costs.
Over 3,500 health workers have pledged to continue treating undocumented patients free of charge, despite the proposed policy change. [ more ]
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