Pope in hospital with "complex" condition: What to know about polymicrobial infectionPolymicrobial infections involve multiple pathogens; they can be severe for individuals with compromised health.
Three-pronged treatment improves prognosis for inoperable liver cancerCombining targeted therapies with traditional treatments enhances the fight against aggressive liver cancer, marking a significant therapeutic advancement.
Treatment Strategies for CNS Complications in People with HIVIdentify modifiable targets and mechanisms to improve CNS-related outcomes in individuals with HIV, enhancing their quality of life and functional capacity.
Three-pronged treatment improves prognosis for inoperable liver cancerCombining targeted therapies with traditional treatments enhances the fight against aggressive liver cancer, marking a significant therapeutic advancement.
Treatment Strategies for CNS Complications in People with HIVIdentify modifiable targets and mechanisms to improve CNS-related outcomes in individuals with HIV, enhancing their quality of life and functional capacity.
Glyphosate's Hidden Threat to Your Brain HealthGlyphosate exposure may be linked to the acceleration of Alzheimer's disease progression, highlighting a need for awareness and preventive measures.
Developing artificial intelligence tools for health careReinforcement Learning has potential to improve patient care through personalized treatment strategies but requires significant data to be viable in clinical settings.
Antidepressants, Antipsychotics, and the Risk of Weight GainDepression is a leading cause of disability, affecting 1 in 8 individuals globally.Weight management is a significant concern for many undergoing treatment for depression, with varying effects based on the medication used.
Is There Something More to OCD Than Suffering?OCD is a painful mental health condition with a high risk of suicide, but it may also be linked to enhanced empathy in sufferers.
Antidepressants, Antipsychotics, and the Risk of Weight GainDepression is a leading cause of disability, affecting 1 in 8 individuals globally.Weight management is a significant concern for many undergoing treatment for depression, with varying effects based on the medication used.
Is There Something More to OCD Than Suffering?OCD is a painful mental health condition with a high risk of suicide, but it may also be linked to enhanced empathy in sufferers.
Nutritional Deficiencies Linked to Rare Bone Disorder: New Hope from Selenium and IodineKBD is a chronic bone disorder in China affecting children; current treatments are limited; focus on two essential minerals for prevention and treatment.
Symposium explores microbiome's roles in cancerMicrobiome plays a crucial role in cancer development and treatment.
Fauci reflects on life's work with leading SF researcherHavlir and Fauci's HIV experience prepared them for the Covid pandemic
Understanding Inflammation in the Heart - News CenterInflammation in the heart can trigger immune responses even without immune cells, guiding myocarditis treatment.