How Inflammation Affects Your Mental HealthChronic inflammation significantly contributes to mental health disorders, highlighting a need for alternative treatment approaches.
Eating Disorders and Trauma: The Missing LinkTrauma is a significant underlying factor in eating disorders, with nearly 50% of patients also having PTSD.Effective treatment for eating disorders requires comprehensive trauma assessments and interventions.
Medications, TMS, and Psychotherapy: A Holistic ApproachMulti-modal care shows 75 percent better outcomes than single treatments, advancing mental health approaches.
How Inflammation Affects Your Mental HealthChronic inflammation significantly contributes to mental health disorders, highlighting a need for alternative treatment approaches.
Eating Disorders and Trauma: The Missing LinkTrauma is a significant underlying factor in eating disorders, with nearly 50% of patients also having PTSD.Effective treatment for eating disorders requires comprehensive trauma assessments and interventions.
Medications, TMS, and Psychotherapy: A Holistic ApproachMulti-modal care shows 75 percent better outcomes than single treatments, advancing mental health approaches.
A dualistic view of illness doesn't help those with ME/CFS | LettersMaeve Boothby O'Neill's death highlights the importance of revising outdated views on ME/CFS and recognizing multifaceted treatment approaches.
Managing Chronic Pain NaturallyChronic pain affects more Americans than commonly recognized chronic illnesses.Conventional medicine may focus on symptom management rather than addressing the root cause of chronic pain.
Doctors and Influencers Are Forced to Focus on Symptoms. Treating Root Causes Isn't as Complicated as You Might Expect.Addressing root causes is crucial in solving problems, such as cooling the room instead of focusing solely on individual symptoms.