Study Identifies Potential Therapeutic Target for Colon Cancer - News CenterInhibiting GATA6 in mouse models reduces colon cancer tumor growth and enhances survival, revealing a promising therapeutic target.
Transcription Factor Binding Sites May Help Explain Underlying Causes of Many Diseases - News CenterThe development of a comprehensive catalog of transcription factor binding sites enhances the understanding of gene regulation related to cancer and developmental disorders.
Study Identifies Potential Therapeutic Target for Colon Cancer - News CenterInhibiting GATA6 in mouse models reduces colon cancer tumor growth and enhances survival, revealing a promising therapeutic target.
Transcription Factor Binding Sites May Help Explain Underlying Causes of Many Diseases - News CenterThe development of a comprehensive catalog of transcription factor binding sites enhances the understanding of gene regulation related to cancer and developmental disorders.
Nucleosome fibre topology guides transcription factor binding to enhancers - NatureThe combinatorial action of transcription factors is essential for converting cell types, emphasizing the importance of specific TF combinations in cell reprogramming.
Histone serotonylation regulates ependymoma tumorigenesis - NatureBidirectional communication between tumours and neurons impacts malignancy. Serotonin regulates EPN tumorigenesis through histone modifications, influencing transcription factors.