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4 months ago
Business intelligence

BNPL shopping explodes as mobile holiday sales overtake desktop for the first time

Online sales reached a record high of $222.1 billion during the holiday season, with 51.1% of transactions made via smartphones.
Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL) saw significant growth, with $16.6 billion worth of online transactions during the holiday period. [ more ]
Scary Mommy
5 months ago

Your Tweens Should Still Be Playing With Toys

Kids are growing up too fast and skipping playtime
Parents should encourage their children to play with toys and not force them to grow up too quickly [ more ]
The Mercury News
5 months ago

South Bay Assemblymember Evan Low's bill requiring gender-neutral toy aisles is now law in California

Major retailers in California are now required to have gender-neutral toy aisles.
The law stems from a bill introduced by California Assemblymember Evan Low, inspired by the question of an 8-year-old girl. [ more ]
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