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designboom | architecture & design magazine
1 month ago

glass dome inspired by the bone structure of birds covers titanium-made mirarri yacht

Inaugural Mirarri yacht by Enata Group & Timur Bozca features a dynamic tinted glass dome, organic structures, carbon fiber, titanium construction, and Wingman software integration. [ more ]
Yanko Design - Modern Industrial Design News
5 months ago

Best of EveryDay Carry - Yanko Design Awards 2023 - Yanko Design

2023 was a great year for EDC gear, with titanium becoming more popular and independent creators bringing unique designs to life.
The top EDC gear of 2023 was compact, robust, highly utilitarian, and had a wow-factor. [ more ]
5 months ago

This 7-in-1 Titanium Carabiner has an emergency feature that could save your life

The KeyUnity KU02 is a carabiner designed for self-defense and emergency situations, featuring a sharp spear-tip edge and an emergency glass-breaker.
Made from CNC machined titanium, the KU02 is durable and has a tactical form factor.
The carabiner also includes two built-in wrenches and a keychain holder. [ more ]
designboom | architecture & design magazine
2 weeks ago

daniel arsham plants rubber bumpers around hublot's see-through 'droplet' pocket watch

Daniel Arsham collaborates with Hublot to create a unique teardrop-shaped pocket watch with titanium, sapphire, and rubber elements, recalling the era of pocket timepieces. [ more ]
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