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Secret London
4 months ago
Graphic design

Express Your Creativity Without Limits At This Fun-Filled 'What Da Paint!' Experience

Express yourself through abstract art at What Da Paint! in London.
No artistic talent or experience necessary. [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
4 months ago

'If it's COVID, Paxlovid'? For many, it should be easier to get. Here's what to know about antivirals

Access to Paxlovid, the COVID-19 therapeutic, is hindered by doctors' reluctance to prescribe it
Doctors' concerns about 'Paxlovid rebound' are unfounded as COVID-19 rebound can happen with or without the drug [ more ]
2 days ago

Long summer days in Denmark remind me of Devon

Connecting with nature and memories through gardening can be a therapeutic and nostalgic experience. [ more ]
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