The unassuming London pub that has become a mecca for die-hard SwiftiesTaylor Swift's mention of The Black Dog pub in her song led to increased attention and demand for its branded merchandise, resulting in the pub launching an online store.
Taylor Swift's namecheck forces London pub forced to hire more securityThe Black Dog pub in London is experiencing a surge in attendance and business due to being mentioned on Taylor Swift's new album, catering to Swift fans by introducing a 'Swift burger' and (Taylor's Version) cocktails.
Taylor Swift fans swarm south London pub named in new albumFans mob The Black Dog pub after Taylor Swift's album release.The Taylor Swift Effect leads to unexpected attention for establishments mentioned in her songs.
The unassuming London pub that has become a mecca for die-hard SwiftiesTaylor Swift's mention of The Black Dog pub in her song led to increased attention and demand for its branded merchandise, resulting in the pub launching an online store.
Taylor Swift's namecheck forces London pub forced to hire more securityThe Black Dog pub in London is experiencing a surge in attendance and business due to being mentioned on Taylor Swift's new album, catering to Swift fans by introducing a 'Swift burger' and (Taylor's Version) cocktails.
Taylor Swift fans swarm south London pub named in new albumFans mob The Black Dog pub after Taylor Swift's album release.The Taylor Swift Effect leads to unexpected attention for establishments mentioned in her songs.