Man fined for housing 18 people in three-bed houseA north London landlord was fined £37,000 for illegally operating overcrowded bedsits without a license.
Thousands of 'high risk' fire safety repairs not carried out, inspectors findNewham Council received a C4 grading for severe neglect in safety and maintenance standards.
Law to make social landlords fix mould in force from OctoberLandlords in England must address damp and mould in social housing by October following the introduction of Awaab's law.
Thousands of 'high risk' fire safety repairs not carried out, inspectors findNewham Council received a C4 grading for severe neglect in safety and maintenance standards.
Law to make social landlords fix mould in force from OctoberLandlords in England must address damp and mould in social housing by October following the introduction of Awaab's law.
Brooklyn woman whose son and husband were gunned down sues landlord over deathsThe lawsuit contends that the apartment owners failed to protect tenants from threats, leading to a tragic incident.
Woman left in critical condition after carbon monoxide seeps into illegally converted NYC homeA woman suffered severe carbon monoxide poisoning due to an illegal boiler setup in a converted apartment.
SF Revokes Approval for $700-a-Month Sleeping Pod Complex, Ironically, Because It Doesn't Have Affordable HousingThe $700 sleeping pod complex lost city approval due to safety and affordability regulation violations.
London council launches door-to-door patrols targeting dodgy landlordsBrent Council is actively enforcing rental property licensing to combat rogue landlords and ensure tenant safety.
Keeping New Yorkers Safe And Warm This Fall And WinterNew York City prioritizes tenant safety during the heating season by enforcing strict temperature regulations.The city holds landlords accountable for heating violations to ensure warm living conditions for all New Yorkers.
Op-Ed | Keeping New Yorkers safe and warm this fall and winter | amNewYorkNew York City mandates heating regulations to ensure tenants' comfort and safety during winter months.The Department of Housing Preservation and Development is actively enforcing heating standards for landlords.
Keeping New Yorkers Safe And Warm This Fall And WinterNew York City prioritizes tenant safety during the heating season by enforcing strict temperature regulations.The city holds landlords accountable for heating violations to ensure warm living conditions for all New Yorkers.
Op-Ed | Keeping New Yorkers safe and warm this fall and winter | amNewYorkNew York City mandates heating regulations to ensure tenants' comfort and safety during winter months.The Department of Housing Preservation and Development is actively enforcing heating standards for landlords.
Dodgy landlord crammed too many people into house with faulty fire doorsRogue landlords in Camden face legal consequences for unsafe and illegal housing practices, underscoring the need for better regulation and tenant protections.
Firefighters rescue trapped resident from Bath Beach blaze * Brooklyn PaperFirefighters rescued a trapped victim from a Bath Beach apartment fire, underlining their crucial role in emergency situations.
Disturbed tenant set NYC apartment blaze, tried to trap neighbors inside, residents and sources sayA disturbed man set fire to a Brooklyn apartment building, injuring tenants, despite repeated complaints and police involvement.