These L.A. tenants want to own their buildings. L.A. is collecting millions to helpCommunity-driven ownership can provide stability for working-class tenants amidst rising housing costs.Tenants' empowerment in property ownership promotes security and local decision-making.
Landlords warn they could raise rents over renters' rights billThe Labour's Renters' Rights Bill aims to give tenants more power, but may lead to rent increases in city areas according to landlords.
Grenfell report highlights need for cultural shift' to ensure social tenants treated with more respect, Rayner says UK politics liveA cultural shift is essential to empower social tenants and address the stigma they face.
Sadiq Khan: 'Mould sensors' in London's rental homes could hold bad landlords to accountLabour mayor Sadiq Khan pledges to install thousands of mould sensors in London's rental homes to empower tenants and hold landlords accountable.