Tenant left with 80 a week to live off after landlord refused HAP wins 7,500Housing assistance claims can lead to discrimination and economic hardship for tenants when landlords refuse to accept support payments.
Changes should be made to rent caps, says OECDIreland should consider adjusting rent regulations between tenancies to improve security and attract investment.
Tenant left with 80 a week to live off after landlord refused HAP wins 7,500Housing assistance claims can lead to discrimination and economic hardship for tenants when landlords refuse to accept support payments.
Changes should be made to rent caps, says OECDIreland should consider adjusting rent regulations between tenancies to improve security and attract investment.
Three London students in 'danger to health' cold and mouldy flat win 20,000 rent back from landlordThe tribunal ruled against a landlord for operating an unlicensed HMO, resulting in health hazards for tenants and a substantial financial penalty.