New Ofsted report cards criticised as 'rehash' of previous 'dangerous' systemThe new inspection model from Ofsted aims to address past criticisms but has faced backlash from teaching unions concerned about its effectiveness.
Ofsted cannot be allowed to reform itself, say teachers' unionsEducation unions argue that Ofsted reforms are essential due to the distress inspecitons cause to headteachers and school staff.
Ofsted's new school report card worse than old system, say headteachersThe proposed Ofsted inspection overhaul has faced significant backlash from educators, citing concerns over its effectiveness and potential negative impacts on school culture.
New Ofsted report cards criticised as 'rehash' of previous 'dangerous' systemThe new inspection model from Ofsted aims to address past criticisms but has faced backlash from teaching unions concerned about its effectiveness.
Ofsted cannot be allowed to reform itself, say teachers' unionsEducation unions argue that Ofsted reforms are essential due to the distress inspecitons cause to headteachers and school staff.
Ofsted's new school report card worse than old system, say headteachersThe proposed Ofsted inspection overhaul has faced significant backlash from educators, citing concerns over its effectiveness and potential negative impacts on school culture.
Guidance on treatment of transgender pupils poses legal risks, say unionsCurrent guidance on transgender pupils incomplete and vulnerable to legal challengesTeaching unions and school leaders in England criticize government's proposed guidance on transgender pupils