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2 months ago

Guidance on treatment of transgender pupils poses legal risks, say unions

Current guidance on transgender pupils incomplete and vulnerable to legal challenges
Teaching unions and school leaders in England criticize government's proposed guidance on transgender pupils [ more ]
4 months ago
France politics

Four reasons Macron's new government has caused uproar in France

The new French Prime Minister Gabriel Attal aims to bring together members of the right-wing Republicans to form a majority in parliament.
Two key ministries - education and health - will be merged under the leadership of Amelie Oudea-Castera, causing disagreement among teaching unions. [ more ]
6 months ago

Barely a mention of education in autumn statement, say unions

Teaching unions criticized the autumn statement for barely mentioning education.
Investing properly in education is an urgent economic priority.
Schools are facing cuts to education provision and crumbling infrastructure. [ more ]
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