Clonal driver neoantigen loss under EGFR TKI and immune selection pressures - NatureEGFR mutations in lung adenocarcinoma improve outcomes with TKIs, but resistance often develops, prompting exploration of new immune-based therapies.
Three-pronged treatment improves prognosis for inoperable liver cancerCombining targeted therapies with traditional treatments enhances the fight against aggressive liver cancer, marking a significant therapeutic advancement.
Pharmacologic restoration of GTP hydrolysis by mutant RASTri-complex inhibitors can stimulate GTP hydrolysis in RAS mutants, enhancing therapeutic effectiveness for specific mutations.
New treatment for advanced metastatic prostate cancer - Lutetium 177 PSMA therapy - London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.comLutetium 177 PSMA Therapy offers promising new hope for patients with advanced metastatic prostate cancer by providing a targeted treatment approach.
V. Craig Jordan obituary: pharmacologist who revolutionized breast cancer treatmentsV. Craig Jordan pioneered targeted therapy by repurposing tamoxifen for breast cancer treatment, impacting millions worldwide.
New treatment for advanced metastatic prostate cancer - Lutetium 177 PSMA therapy - London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.comLutetium 177 PSMA Therapy offers promising new hope for patients with advanced metastatic prostate cancer by providing a targeted treatment approach.
V. Craig Jordan obituary: pharmacologist who revolutionized breast cancer treatmentsV. Craig Jordan pioneered targeted therapy by repurposing tamoxifen for breast cancer treatment, impacting millions worldwide.
IV infusion enables editing of the cystic fibrosis gene in lung stem cellsThe development of gene editing techniques faces challenges in targeting specific cells and tissues affected by genetic diseases, requiring innovative approaches for effective treatment.