#swine flu

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#influenza A
London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.com
6 months ago
Public health

Human 'swine flu' case: how can you tell H1N2 from a cold, seasonal flu or Covid?

A British person has contracted a new strain of swine flu in the UK, the first detection of this strain in a human.
The patient has no known contact with infected animals, raising concerns about human-to-human transmission.
The UKHSA is conducting a wider investigation to determine the source of the infection and assess the risk to human health. [ more ]
London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.com
6 months ago
Public health

Human 'swine flu' case: how can you tell H1N2 from a cold, seasonal flu or Covid?

A British person has contracted a new strain of swine flu in the UK, the first detection of this strain in a human.
The patient has no known contact with infected animals, raising concerns about human-to-human transmission.
The UKHSA is conducting a wider investigation to determine the source of the infection and assess the risk to human health. [ more ]
London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.com
6 months ago
Public health

Human 'swine flu' case: how can you tell H1N2 from a cold, seasonal flu or Covid?

A British person has contracted a new strain of swine flu in the UK, the first detection of this strain in a human.
The patient has no known contact with infected animals, raising concerns about human-to-human transmission.
The UKHSA is conducting a wider investigation to determine the source of the infection and assess the risk to human health. [ more ]
London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.com
6 months ago
Public health

Human 'swine flu' case: how can you tell H1N2 from a cold, seasonal flu or Covid?

A British person has contracted a new strain of swine flu in the UK, the first detection of this strain in a human.
The patient has no known contact with infected animals, raising concerns about human-to-human transmission.
The UKHSA is conducting a wider investigation to determine the source of the infection and assess the risk to human health. [ more ]
moreinfluenza A
London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.com
6 months ago

Human 'swine flu' case: how can you tell H1N2 from a cold, seasonal flu or Covid?

A British person has contracted a new strain of swine flu in the UK, the first detection of this strain in a human.
The patient has no known contact with infected animals, raising concerns about human-to-human transmission.
The UKHSA is conducting a wider investigation to determine the source of the infection and assess the risk to human health. [ more ]
6 months ago

First human case of swine flu detected in the UK

The first human case of the flu strain H1N2, which has been circulating in pigs, has been detected in the UK.
It is not known at this stage how transmissible the strain is or if there could be other cases in the UK.
The UKHSA is carrying out contact tracing of close contacts to prevent further spread of the virus. [ more ]
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