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1 month ago
Privacy professionals

Law enforcement use of facial recognition, social media looms over campus protests

It often takes time for the public to fully understand the extent of surveillance technologies used by law enforcement and universities. [ more ]
3 months ago
Privacy professionals

Lawmakers propose a new federal office to regulate workplace surveillance tech

Employer transparency on surveillance
Empowering workers' rights [ more ]
Electronic Frontier Foundation
3 months ago
San Francisco

We Flew a Plane Over San Francisco to Fight Proposition E. Here's Why.

Proposition E is a controversial ballot measure in San Francisco, urging citizens to vote NO.
The measure aims to weaken oversight of the San Francisco Police Department and expand police authority in technology usage. [ more ]
Electronic Frontier Foundation
4 months ago
Privacy professionals

Dozens of Rogue California Police Agencies Still Sharing Driver Locations with Anti-Abortion States

People are surveilled by police at more times and in more ways than ever before.
EFF's new 'Field Guide to Police Surveillance' provides a reference source on how law enforcement agencies use various surveillance technologies. [ more ]
6 months ago
Black Lives Matter

The Gospel: Israel turns to a new AI system in the Gaza war

The Israeli military is using an AI system called The Gospel to generate new targets at an unprecedented rate in Gaza.
Israel has escalated its attacks on Palestinians in the West Bank, where Hamas does not have authority. [ more ]
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