Black actor who faced abuse over role in Romeo & Juliet calls for industry-wide actionAmewudah-Rivers' experience of racial abuse emphasizes the urgent need for industry-wide action to protect black and brown actors in theatre.
'Final Fantasy 14' Director's Response to Transphobia Is a Model for Other Devs to FollowSquare Enix supports diversity in Final Fantasy XIV, refusing to bow to transphobic backlash against voice actor Sena Bryer.
Black actor who faced abuse over role in Romeo & Juliet calls for industry-wide actionAmewudah-Rivers' experience of racial abuse emphasizes the urgent need for industry-wide action to protect black and brown actors in theatre.
'Final Fantasy 14' Director's Response to Transphobia Is a Model for Other Devs to FollowSquare Enix supports diversity in Final Fantasy XIV, refusing to bow to transphobic backlash against voice actor Sena Bryer.