WATER formed billions of years earlier than previously thoughtWater likely originated from supernova debris shortly after the Big Bang, indicating life-forming ingredients existed much earlier than previously believed.
The incredible story told by a supernova remnantAstrophysical archaeology helps us learn the history of stars, revealing events like supernovae that impact our understanding of space and time.
JWST Photos Reveal Bizarre Physics of Supernova ExplosionsThe James Webb Space Telescope has captured unprecedented images of the supernova remnant Cassiopeia A, providing insights into stellar explosions.
The first magnified photo of a dying star outside our galaxy indicates a violent endAstronomers have captured the first high-resolution image of a dying red supergiant, WOH G64, indicating it's close to becoming a supernova.
How a nearby supernova could reveal dark matterDark matter's existence is inferred indirectly; direct detections have yielded null results, highlighting a need for extreme cosmic conditions.
The mystery of the Milky Way's most bizarre supernovaThere are two primary pathways for supernovae: massive star core collapse and white dwarf explosions through mergers.
WATER formed billions of years earlier than previously thoughtWater likely originated from supernova debris shortly after the Big Bang, indicating life-forming ingredients existed much earlier than previously believed.
The incredible story told by a supernova remnantAstrophysical archaeology helps us learn the history of stars, revealing events like supernovae that impact our understanding of space and time.
JWST Photos Reveal Bizarre Physics of Supernova ExplosionsThe James Webb Space Telescope has captured unprecedented images of the supernova remnant Cassiopeia A, providing insights into stellar explosions.
The first magnified photo of a dying star outside our galaxy indicates a violent endAstronomers have captured the first high-resolution image of a dying red supergiant, WOH G64, indicating it's close to becoming a supernova.
How a nearby supernova could reveal dark matterDark matter's existence is inferred indirectly; direct detections have yielded null results, highlighting a need for extreme cosmic conditions.
The mystery of the Milky Way's most bizarre supernovaThere are two primary pathways for supernovae: massive star core collapse and white dwarf explosions through mergers.
adidas Supernova Rise 2 ReviewThe Adidas Supernova Rise 2 excels in comfort, making it ideal for daily training and a reliable choice for various types of runs.
Stars - NASA ScienceStars form in molecular clouds, eventually leading to protostars and stellar clusters.Main sequence stars undergo nuclear fusion, with gradual changes throughout their lifecycle.The supernova explosion marks the death of a star, leaving behind dense remnants.
First Close Up Picture of Star Outside Our Galaxy Shows a Giant About to BlowAstronomers have captured the first close-up image of a star, WOH G64, in another galaxy, revealing it as a dying red supergiant.
Astrophysicists Solve Mystery of 12th-century Supernova - Medievalists.netSN 1181 is a supernova documented by ancient astronomers, notable for its long visibility and implications for understanding stellar explosions.
First close-up image of a star outside Milky Way shows supergiant in cocoon'Astronomers captured detailed images of WOH G64, revealing its egg-shaped cocoon and suggesting it is approaching a supernova phase.
Astronomers have found leftover 'zombie star' from supernova shone in the night sky 1,000 years agoA rare Type Iax supernova event occurred in 1181, likely caused by a collision of two white dwarfs, leaving behind a 'zombie star.'
This is what we'll see when Betelgeuse goes supernovaBetelgeuse is experiencing unprecedented brightness variations, indicative of unusual stellar activity.
Day 7 of the 2024 Space Telescope Advent Calendar: A Supernova Seen ThriceThe James Webb Space Telescope captured a supernova seen three times due to gravitational lensing in the galaxy cluster PLCK G165.7+67.0.
First Close Up Picture of Star Outside Our Galaxy Shows a Giant About to BlowAstronomers have captured the first close-up image of a star, WOH G64, in another galaxy, revealing it as a dying red supergiant.
Astrophysicists Solve Mystery of 12th-century Supernova - Medievalists.netSN 1181 is a supernova documented by ancient astronomers, notable for its long visibility and implications for understanding stellar explosions.
First close-up image of a star outside Milky Way shows supergiant in cocoon'Astronomers captured detailed images of WOH G64, revealing its egg-shaped cocoon and suggesting it is approaching a supernova phase.
Astronomers have found leftover 'zombie star' from supernova shone in the night sky 1,000 years agoA rare Type Iax supernova event occurred in 1181, likely caused by a collision of two white dwarfs, leaving behind a 'zombie star.'
This is what we'll see when Betelgeuse goes supernovaBetelgeuse is experiencing unprecedented brightness variations, indicative of unusual stellar activity.
Day 7 of the 2024 Space Telescope Advent Calendar: A Supernova Seen ThriceThe James Webb Space Telescope captured a supernova seen three times due to gravitational lensing in the galaxy cluster PLCK G165.7+67.0.
NASA's latest supernova image could tell us how fast the universe is expandingThe James Webb Space Telescope captured a unique image of a supernova that helps in understanding the expansion of the universe.
Full Flower Moon will appear in sky this week near supergiant starThe Flower Moon shines during a significant celestial event.
Don't PanicAt Least, Not about a Nearby SupernovaA nearby supernova's power is incomprehensible, releasing energy millions of times the sun's luminosity, impacting Earth even from great distances.