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3 weeks ago
Left-wing politics

Exclusive: Youth-oriented advocacy group applauds Biden on climate

President Biden has received praise for his environmental actions but faces pressure from the youth-led Sunrise Movement for bolder steps on climate policy. [ more ]
2 months ago
Left-wing politics

Biden EPA Exempts Gas-Fired Power Plants From New Regulations

EPA delayed crackdown on existing gas-fired power plants
Sunrise Movement criticizes Biden administration [ more ]
4 months ago
Left-wing politics

Biden's Base Revolts: Climate Activists Ramp Up Pressure Ahead of Super Tuesday

Youth climate activists from the Sunrise Movement disrupted campaign events for former President Donald Trump and former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley, calling attention to their ties to the fossil fuel industry.
The protesters unfurled banners and shouted at the candidates, demanding to know why they were taking money from the oil and gas industry while claiming to fight for the people. [ more ]
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