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2 months ago

Good Day, Brooklyn!

The current weather is sunny with a temperature of 36°F.
The UV Index is 0, indicating low pressure and a rising trend in pressure. [ more ]
3 months ago

Good Day, Brooklyn!

The current weather is sunny with a temperature of 27°F.
The UV index is 0, the pressure is 30.23 and rising, and the visibility is 14 miles. [ more ]
5 months ago
Business intelligence

Good Day, Brooklyn!

The current weather is sunny with a temperature of 29°F.
The UV index is 1, indicating low pressure.
The wind is blowing at 4.4 mph from the west. [ more ]
5 months ago
Business intelligence

Good Day, Brooklyn!

The current weather is sunny with a temperature of 42°F.
The UV index is low and the pressure is rising.
The visibility is 10 miles and the wind is coming from the north at 3.5 mph. [ more ]
6 months ago
Business intelligence

Good Day, Brooklyn!

Current weather is sunny with a temperature of 46°F.
UV index is low at 1.
The weather is expected to remain steady with a visibility of 10 miles and a humidity of 72%. [ more ]
3 months ago

Good Day, Brooklyn!

The current weather is sunny with a low UV index and steady pressure.
The hourly and 7-day forecasts are available. [ more ]
6 months ago
Business intelligence

Good Day, Brooklyn!

The current weather is mostly sunny with a temperature of 43°F.
The UV index is 1, indicating low UV exposure.
The pressure is 30.4 steady, visibility is 10 miles, and humidity is 61%. [ more ]
5 months ago
Business intelligence

Good Day, Brooklyn!

The current weather is sunny with a temperature of 41°F.
The UV index is low, the pressure is steady, and visibility is 10 miles. [ more ]
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