Student-loan borrowers can likely count on more debt cancellation if Kamala Harris wins the presidencyVice President Kamala Harris is a leading candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination and has a strong track record of supporting student-loan borrowers.
Millions of student-loan borrowers should be on the lookout for an email update on Biden's broader debt cancellation plan. They might need to take action.The Education Department is informing student-loan borrowers about its debt relief plan and the opt-out deadline.
Student-loan borrowers can likely count on more debt cancellation if Kamala Harris wins the presidencyVice President Kamala Harris is a leading candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination and has a strong track record of supporting student-loan borrowers.
Millions of student-loan borrowers should be on the lookout for an email update on Biden's broader debt cancellation plan. They might need to take action.The Education Department is informing student-loan borrowers about its debt relief plan and the opt-out deadline.