The Cost of Bragging About StressStress bragging is a self-promotional behavior that highlights a person's workload while masking vulnerability, but it ultimately harms interpersonal relationships and workplace morale.
It's not a contest: Bragging about your work stress may make you seem less likable and incompetent, says new studyStress bragging can harm workplace relationships and perception of competence, leading to alienation and increased burnout among colleagues.
The Cost of Bragging About StressStress bragging is a self-promotional behavior that highlights a person's workload while masking vulnerability, but it ultimately harms interpersonal relationships and workplace morale.
It's not a contest: Bragging about your work stress may make you seem less likable and incompetent, says new studyStress bragging can harm workplace relationships and perception of competence, leading to alienation and increased burnout among colleagues.