Why do whales beach themselves? A vial of parasites in a Tasmanian museum may hold the answerParasites in whales may impair navigation and contribute to beach strandings, suggesting a biological factor in this recurring phenomenon.
Why do whales and dolphins strand? | DW | 08.10.2020Pilot and sperm whales commonly strand, while baleen whales do so rarely.
Why do whales beach themselves? A vial of parasites in a Tasmanian museum may hold the answerParasites in whales may impair navigation and contribute to beach strandings, suggesting a biological factor in this recurring phenomenon.
Why do whales and dolphins strand? | DW | 08.10.2020Pilot and sperm whales commonly strand, while baleen whales do so rarely.
Baby orca stranded on beach dies despite desperate rescue effort, California experts sayAn orca calf in Northern California died after being stranded, highlighting the challenges of separating young marine mammals from their pods.
Killer whale calf dies after washing ashore at Calif. state parkA young orca calf died after being stranded in California, with unclear causes of death despite rescue efforts.
Baby orca stranded on beach dies despite desperate rescue effort, California experts sayAn orca calf in Northern California died after being stranded, highlighting the challenges of separating young marine mammals from their pods.
Killer whale calf dies after washing ashore at Calif. state parkA young orca calf died after being stranded in California, with unclear causes of death despite rescue efforts.