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1 week ago
OMG science

How To Create a Rain Garden

Rain gardens mimic natural water filtration and recharge groundwater slowly, improving water quality and supporting local ecosystems. [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
2 months ago
Los Angeles

EPA orders Watts metal recycler to prevent water pollution

The EPA ordered a scrap metal recycler in Watts to prevent pollution from reaching local storm drains and a nearby high school.
The scrap yard's stormwater contained copper, iron, zinc, and aluminum above federal standards, prompting the EPA to call for improvements in the facility's stormwater management system. [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
3 months ago

California is missing out on billions of gallons of stormwater each year, report finds

Stormwater is an untapped resource that can help address water supply challenges.
59.5 million acre-feet of stormwater go uncaptured across the U.S. annually. [ more ]
Brooklyn Paper
3 months ago

Invasive plant species threatens Green-Wood Cemetery's marine life * Brooklyn Paper

Green-Wood Cemetery received a $20,000 grant to eradicate invasive plant species threatening a pond.
Ludwigia peploides, aka floating water primrose, is harmful due to its dense growth affecting marine life and native plants. [ more ]
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