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Epic Web Dev
1 month ago

TypeScript: What's the Point?!

TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript, offering enhanced functionality.
TypeScript makes code less error-prone, more maintainable, and scalable compared to JavaScript. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
2 months ago

Building high-performance ecommerce sites with Astro - LogRocket Blog

Develop ecommerce site with Astro's islands architecture
Significance of strong and static typing in frontend projects [ more ]
2 months ago

JavaScript || TypeScript : What's Better For You

JavaScript is a versatile scripting language commonly used for enhancing web pages.
TypeScript offers static typing and advanced tooling to improve code quality and collaboration. [ more ]
1 month ago

Access your Microsoft JSON DOM the easy way with the dynamic keyword

Accessing JSON data in C# requires more effort than in JavaScript due to static typing.
C# offers the dynamic keyword for late binding to access JSON data, but sacrifices static typing. [ more ]
1 month ago

Brief Introduction to Scala

Scala is a programming language created in 2003 to address challenges in developing complex software systems efficiently.
Scala is statically-typed, supports functional and object-oriented programming, and has a rich set of libraries for building scalable applications. [ more ]
2 months ago

The Secrets of Scala Development

Scala blends object-oriented and functional programming, ideal for web apps and big data.
Interoperability with Java, functional programming, and static typing make Scala efficient and reliable. [ more ]
3 months ago

Static, Dynamic, and the Typing Spectrum: Programming Uncovered

Statically typed languages like Java and C# require developers to define the type of variables upfront, leading to early detection of type errors.
Dynamically typed languages like Python, Ruby, and JavaScript infer types at runtime, providing more coding flexibility. [ more ]
5 months ago

Untyped Python: The Python That Was

Python typing has faced skepticism due to its complexity and interaction issues.
The conflict between the philosophy of Python and the concept of typing has been ongoing.
Using languages like Java was more conventional for web application projects in the past. [ more ]
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