Nicholas Sparks's Splenda Chicken Salad Sounds FowlNicholas Sparks maintains his productivity and health partly through his unusual cooking habits, notably using Splenda in lieu of sugar.
Nicholas Sparks's 16-Splenda Chicken Salad Is Absolutely DiabolicalNicholas Sparks uses an excessive amount of Splenda in his chicken salad, reflecting unique eating habits and a stark avoidance of carbs.
Nicholas Sparks's Splenda Chicken Salad Sounds FowlNicholas Sparks maintains his productivity and health partly through his unusual cooking habits, notably using Splenda in lieu of sugar.
Nicholas Sparks's 16-Splenda Chicken Salad Is Absolutely DiabolicalNicholas Sparks uses an excessive amount of Splenda in his chicken salad, reflecting unique eating habits and a stark avoidance of carbs.
CONSUMER ALERT: Splenda Releases Toxic Dioxin When HeatedSucralose, marketed as Splenda, is widely used despite safety concerns highlighted in a 2013 review, exposing potential health risks and toxic compound formation during baking.