Optimizing AI for Real-Time Object Tracking | HackerNoonPanopticus enhances 3D object detection by dynamically scheduling inference configurations to optimize accuracy within latency targets.
The Elephantine Memories of Food-Caching BirdsAnimals have remarkable spatial memories for locating food, contrasting human difficulties in remembering the locations of everyday objects.
Lost your sense of direction? Turn off your phone and you'll soon reconnectOver-reliance on technology has negatively impacted children's spatial awareness and mental health, contributing to shrinking hippocampi and increased agoraphobia.
Why put dots in a virtual canvasDotted canvases enhance user experience by providing spatial context.They reduce disorientation when navigating large digital spaces.
Terrible at directions? Tricks to improve your navigation skillsOver-reliance on GPS may hinder natural navigation skills, leading to a narrower perception of surroundings and a lack of spatial awareness.