Experience: I create smells that scare peopleFear can be bottled and evoked through carefully crafted scents, demonstrating the powerful link between smell and emotion.
The Big Idea: looking for a better life? Follow your noseSmell is a powerful memory trigger and deeply connected to emotions, often eliciting vivid personal recollections of places and experiences.
What's that smell? Readers share the scents that remind them of L.A.Smell plays a crucial role in memory and emotional recall, linking scents to personal experiences and nostalgia.
The Big Idea: looking for a better life? Follow your noseSmell is a powerful memory trigger and deeply connected to emotions, often eliciting vivid personal recollections of places and experiences.
What's that smell? Readers share the scents that remind them of L.A.Smell plays a crucial role in memory and emotional recall, linking scents to personal experiences and nostalgia.