Ultimate guide to getting more sleepSleep is crucial for health, accounting for 32 years in a 90-year life, yet often overlooked.
5 Ways to Cope With Fear of Freshman FinalsStudents face increased pressure due to rising professional school admission requirements, making parental support crucial, especially in enhancing sleep and alleviating exam stress.
Insomnia: What Could Possibly Be Keeping You Up at Night?Regular sleep is essential for overall well-being. Lack of sleep can lead to weight problems, cognitive issues, lowered energy, increased risk of illnesses, and mental health struggles.
How America Lost SleepAmericans are recognizing the importance of sleep for their overall wellness, yet are still struggling to get enough rest.
Should I Take Supplements to Sleep? What Experts ThinkSleep is vital for physical recovery and reducing the risk of serious conditions.Melatonin is a popular sleep supplement, but its regulation and effectiveness are subject to debate.