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4 months ago

5 Years and 3 Lessons: What I've Learned Leading a Public Company | Entrepreneur

Simplicity is key in organizations, as the simplest answer is usually the best.
Great people are the true drivers of success in a company, not just financial metrics. [ more ]
4 months ago
UX design

Sit. Rafa Pastuszak

Sit. is a simple alarm clock that can be used for meditation or just taking a moment to sit in silence.
The creator emphasizes the importance of simplicity and atomic tools in his other projects as well. [ more ]
4 months ago

Less is not more: designing for people and for the planet

Minimalism and simplicity in design are often seen as good principles, but they can have negative effects.
Minimalist design can promote sameness and lack of diversity, stripping away cultural identity. [ more ]
4 months ago
UX design

Less is not more: designing for people and for the planet

Minimalism and simplicity in design are often seen as good principles, but they can have negative effects.
Minimalist design can promote sameness and lack of diversity, stripping away cultural identity. [ more ]
4 months ago
UX design

Less is not more: designing for people and for the planet

Minimalism and simplicity in design are often seen as good principles, but they can have negative effects.
Minimalist design can promote sameness and lack of diversity, stripping away cultural identity. [ more ]
Hindustan Times
5 months ago
Artificial intelligence

A snowball effect in personal tech: Looking ahead into 2024

The speed of personal technology evolution is driven by both need and momentum.
Key debates in technology will revolve around privacy and simplicity, while AI will add complexity to the landscape. [ more ]
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