Mom Shares An Effective Strategy To Dramatically Decrease SIDS DeathsParenting in the digital age offers both support and misinformation, requiring critical evaluation of claims, especially concerning infant safety such as SIDS.
Blood test at birth could eventually identify babies at increased risk of SIDSNewborns with specific metabolic patterns are more likely to die from SIDS, suggesting potential early detection methods.
Sudden Infant Death Rates Increased, Study SaysSudden unexpected infant death rates increased by nearly 12% from 2020 to 2022, especially affecting minority infants.
'Keep baby close enough to kiss' - HSE issues advice to parents using slingsThe tragic death of a baby highlights the need for better public awareness about the safe use of baby slings to prevent SIDS.
Blood test at birth could eventually identify babies at increased risk of SIDSNewborns with specific metabolic patterns are more likely to die from SIDS, suggesting potential early detection methods.
Sudden Infant Death Rates Increased, Study SaysSudden unexpected infant death rates increased by nearly 12% from 2020 to 2022, especially affecting minority infants.
'Keep baby close enough to kiss' - HSE issues advice to parents using slingsThe tragic death of a baby highlights the need for better public awareness about the safe use of baby slings to prevent SIDS.
'Finance Day' at COP29 galvanises debate about numbersSmall Island Developing States demand a reformed climate financing system that alleviates rather than increases their debt burden.
'My heart will never heal': Parents tell of grief over death of newborn son who was in baby slingThe death of a baby due to SIDS raised concerns about the safety of baby slings.Coroner aims to improve awareness of risks associated with baby carrying devices.
HSE probes whether babies from homeless families are at greater risk of sudden infant death syndromeSIDS is the second leading cause of death for newborns in Ireland, especially among marginalized families.
HSE probes whether babies from homeless families are at greater risk of sudden infant death syndromeSids remains a significant cause of infant mortality in Ireland, particularly among marginalized families.
HSE probes whether babies from homeless families are at greater risk of sudden infant death syndromeSIDS is the second leading cause of death for newborns in Ireland, especially among marginalized families.
HSE probes whether babies from homeless families are at greater risk of sudden infant death syndromeSids remains a significant cause of infant mortality in Ireland, particularly among marginalized families.