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3 days ago

Asking Eric: I didn't understand the depth of his problem until we got married

Communication and honesty are crucial in addressing issues of intimacy and sexual desire within a marriage. [ more ]
Portland Mercury
4 days ago

SAVAGE LOVE: Role Perversal

Open and honest communication about sexual desires can enhance intimacy, even after many years together. [ more ]
Sex and Psychology
3 years ago

What To Do When You And Your Partner Want Different Amounts Of Sex - Sex and Psychology

Sexual desire discrepancies are common in long-term relationships.
Addressing desire discrepancies should be approached as a couple issue, not an individual problem. [ more ]
Slate Magazine
3 months ago

I've Started Coming Out to All My Friends. My Husband Still Has No Clue.

Exploring polyamory can reveal mismatches in sexual desires and boundaries within a relationship, prompting a need for open communication and compromise. [ more ]
3 days ago

Asking Eric: I didn't understand the depth of his problem until we got married

Communication and honesty are crucial in addressing issues of intimacy and sexual desire within a marriage. [ more ]
Portland Mercury
4 days ago

SAVAGE LOVE: Role Perversal

Open and honest communication about sexual desires can enhance intimacy, even after many years together. [ more ]
Sex and Psychology
3 years ago

What To Do When You And Your Partner Want Different Amounts Of Sex - Sex and Psychology

Sexual desire discrepancies are common in long-term relationships.
Addressing desire discrepancies should be approached as a couple issue, not an individual problem. [ more ]
Slate Magazine
3 months ago

I've Started Coming Out to All My Friends. My Husband Still Has No Clue.

Exploring polyamory can reveal mismatches in sexual desires and boundaries within a relationship, prompting a need for open communication and compromise. [ more ]
1 month ago

Embrace Your Love for Romance Novels. It's Good for You

Romance novels can help individuals discover and communicate their sexual desires and needs within relationships. [ more ]
6 months ago

Libido mismatch? You're not alone DW 02/28/2024

Sexual desire is not a fixed 'trait'
Sex drive shifts over time due to various factors [ more ]
1 month ago

Embrace Your Love for Romance Novels. It's Good for You

Romance novels can help individuals discover and communicate their sexual desires and needs within relationships. [ more ]
6 months ago

Libido mismatch? You're not alone DW 02/28/2024

Sexual desire is not a fixed 'trait'
Sex drive shifts over time due to various factors [ more ]
6 months ago

Sex drive mismatch with your partner? You're not alone DW 02/28/2024

Sexual desire is not a fixed trait in long-term relationships, sex drive mismatch is common.
Factors influencing sex drive fluctuation include external stressors, health issues, and hormonal changes. [ more ]
The Atlantic
6 months ago

Dear Therapist: I Miss Having Sex

Navigating sexual desire as a senior widow can be challenging.
Seeking physical intimacy doesn't always mean seeking a committed relationship. [ more ]
6 months ago

Sex drive mismatch with your partner? You're not alone DW 02/28/2024

Sexual desire is not a fixed trait in long-term relationships, sex drive mismatch is common.
Factors influencing sex drive fluctuation include external stressors, health issues, and hormonal changes. [ more ]
The Atlantic
6 months ago

Dear Therapist: I Miss Having Sex

Navigating sexual desire as a senior widow can be challenging.
Seeking physical intimacy doesn't always mean seeking a committed relationship. [ more ]
7 months ago

The Link Between Birth Control Pills and Sex Drive

The birth control pill can decrease libido for some women due to lowered testosterone levels.
Decreased sexual desire is not acknowledged as a side effect of the pill in safety leaflets or commonly known by doctors. [ more ]
9 months ago

The experts: sex therapists on 20 simple, satisfying ways to revive your lost libido

Fluctuations in sexual desire are normal and influenced by different life stages.
External life stresses and anxiety can impact sexual desire.
It's important to see a doctor if experiencing a loss of libido. [ more ]
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