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5 months ago
Data science

Sex differences orchestrated by androgens at single-cell resolution - Nature

The study explores sex differences in gene expression and cellular populations in mice.
Androgens play a significant role in modulating immune gene expression and cell populations. [ more ]
6 months ago
Artificial intelligence

AI can tell a person's sex with 90 percent accuracy

AI model can detect sex through brain scans with 90% accuracy
Historical inconsistency in differentiating male and female brains based on size [ more ]
2 months ago

Semaglutide leads to greater weight loss in women than men with HF and improves HF symptoms

Semaglutide improves heart failure symptoms, with sex-based differences in weight loss and benefits. [ more ]
3 months ago
OMG science

Why do women outlive men? Cells that develop into sperm and eggs could give the answer

The lifespan gap between men and women may be influenced by the cells that develop into sperm and eggs. [ more ]
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