#service mesh

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2 weeks ago

Kubernetes Gateway API v1.1 Released: New Standard Features and Experimental Enhancements

Gateway API v1.1 update includes service mesh and GRPCRoute, transitioning experimental features to Standard Channel, marking stability and backward compatibility. [ more ]
1 month ago

How to leverage the traffic management capabilities of a service mesh to optimize performance and minimize downtime - Amazic

Microservices and service mesh are prevalent for scalability, but managing service communication is crucial. Traffic management is key for optimal performance in microservices architectures. [ more ]
3 months ago

NIST 800-207A: Implementing Zero Trust Architecture

Zero trust involves identity-based segmentation and moving from network-oriented to identity-based policy.
The speaker has experience with Istio project, Google Cloud, and NIST security guidelines. [ more ]
4 months ago

Implementing The Sidecar Pattern in a Microservices Based Application

Implementing a service mesh like Istio involves several steps.
The steps include installing Istio on the Kubernetes cluster, creating the microservice, dockerizing the services, and creating Kubernetes deployment and service manifests. [ more ]
5 months ago

The role of ambient mesh in Kubernetes - Amazic

Kubernetes is the dominant platform for container orchestration, with 78% of medium-sized and small enterprises using it.
Ambient mesh is a more efficient version of a service mesh that focuses on facilitating secure and efficient communication between microservices. [ more ]
1 week ago

Solo.io, built on leading open source tooling, greatly simplifies networking for Kubernetes - Amazic

Solo.io provides service mesh and API gateway capabilities for Kubernetes, simplifying the integration of various tools like Istio, Cilium, and Envoy. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

Kubernetes Gateway API v1.1 Released: New Standard Features and Experimental Enhancements

Gateway API v1.1 update includes service mesh and GRPCRoute, transitioning experimental features to Standard Channel, marking stability and backward compatibility. [ more ]
1 month ago

How to leverage the traffic management capabilities of a service mesh to optimize performance and minimize downtime - Amazic

Microservices and service mesh are prevalent for scalability, but managing service communication is crucial. Traffic management is key for optimal performance in microservices architectures. [ more ]
3 months ago

NIST 800-207A: Implementing Zero Trust Architecture

Zero trust involves identity-based segmentation and moving from network-oriented to identity-based policy.
The speaker has experience with Istio project, Google Cloud, and NIST security guidelines. [ more ]
4 months ago

Implementing The Sidecar Pattern in a Microservices Based Application

Implementing a service mesh like Istio involves several steps.
The steps include installing Istio on the Kubernetes cluster, creating the microservice, dockerizing the services, and creating Kubernetes deployment and service manifests. [ more ]
5 months ago

The role of ambient mesh in Kubernetes - Amazic

Kubernetes is the dominant platform for container orchestration, with 78% of medium-sized and small enterprises using it.
Ambient mesh is a more efficient version of a service mesh that focuses on facilitating secure and efficient communication between microservices. [ more ]
1 week ago

Solo.io, built on leading open source tooling, greatly simplifies networking for Kubernetes - Amazic

Solo.io provides service mesh and API gateway capabilities for Kubernetes, simplifying the integration of various tools like Istio, Cilium, and Envoy. [ more ]
Amazon Web Services
6 months ago

Getting Started with Istio on Amazon EKS | Amazon Web Services

Istio is an open source service mesh platform that enhances the management and observability of microservices-based applications
Istio can be seamlessly deployed in Amazon EKS to provide advanced traffic management, security, and observability [ more ]
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