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1 week ago
Privacy professionals

We can't lock up everyone we're cross with', says ex-justice secretary

Judges should prioritize keeping dangerous criminals behind bars rather than incarcerating everyone for minor offenses.
Custodial sentences in England and Wales have inflated over the years, necessitating a reevaluation of sentencing policies. [ more ]
1 month ago
Social justice

Jailed rioters may trigger prison overcrowding plan

An emergency plan to manage prison overcrowding may be activated soon amid rising sentencing from recent riots. [ more ]
9 months ago
UK news

Foreign prisoners could serve shorter sentences than Britons to ease overcrowding

Non-UK citizens in UK prisons may serve shorter sentences and be deported earlier than British prisoners.
Critics argue that this policy could reduce deterrence for foreign criminals and undermine confidence in the criminal justice system. [ more ]
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