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2 months ago
Data science

Navigating LLM Deployment: Tips, Tricks and Techniques by Meryem Arik at Qcon London

Initial proofs of concept benefit from hosted solutions, but self-hosting is necessary for scaling models to cut costs, enhance performance, and meet security needs.
Using quantization and optimizing inference can help maximize GPU resources and efficiency in deploying Large Language Models. [ more ]
2 months ago
Video games

The Adult Swim Games delisting situation is strange, even to lawyers

Adult Swim Games delisting is unusual, not a routine licensing or financial issue.
Developers face challenges in self-hosting games when faced with unexpected delistings. [ more ]
15 hours ago

What is Self Hosted? What is a Stack?

Counterscale is a tool for self-hosted analytics but relies on Cloudflare to operate, raising questions about true self-hosting.
The concept of software stacks like LAMP and WAMP highlights the importance of technological choices in enabling self-hosting solutions. [ more ]
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