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Fast Company
1 week ago
Information security

A new EPA cyberattack alert urges U.S. water systems to upgrade security immediately

Water utilities face increasing cyberattack threats, with 70% failing standards. Urgent action needed to protect against severe impacts like water contamination and supply disruption. [ more ]
1 week ago
Information security

Google Cloud obtains FedRAMP High certification for more than 100 services

Google Cloud achieves FedRAMP High certification for over 100 services, ensuring robust security standards for commercial customers equal to government users. [ more ]
1 month ago
Information security

UK finally bans '12345' passwords on connected devices

Smart device manufacturers in the UK must adhere to new laws like the PSTI Act, focusing on minimum security standards and crackable default passwords. [ more ]
Scalac - Software Development Company - Akka, Kafka, Spark, ZIO
2 months ago
Privacy technologies

Implementing cloud VPN solution using AWS, Linux and WireGuard

VPN creates a secure tunnel for internet data transmission.
VPN is crucial for maintaining security and privacy online, especially for confidential services. [ more ]
Berlin Startup Jobs
4 days ago

Job Vacancy: Infrastructure/Backend Engineer (f/d/m) // Maya Climate | IT / Software Development Jobs | Berlin Startup Jobs

Seeking Infrastructure/Backend Engineer with cloud expertise, database management skills, CI/CD experience, and devotion to security and reliability. [ more ]
1 month ago
Business intelligence

Google is now authorized to host classified data in the cloud

Google Cloud Platform authorized to host secret and top-secret data for US government customers.
Accreditation enhances Google's competitiveness against AWS, Microsoft, and Oracle for Defense Department contracts. [ more ]
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