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5 months ago
US politics

Several state capitols evacuated after bomb threats

State capitols in Georgia, Kentucky, Michigan, Mississippi and other states were evacuated following bomb threats.
The bomb threats come just days before the third anniversary of the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol. [ more ]
5 months ago
Europe news

Europe celebrates New Year amid heightened security

Heightened security concerns in Europe for New Year's Eve celebrations due to ongoing wars and tensions in various parts of the world.
Cities in Europe deploying extra security and some cancelling events altogether. [ more ]
5 months ago

How 2023 became the year Congress forgot to ban TikTok

Banning TikTok in the US seemed inevitable, but it has now been stalled.
The movement to ban TikTok gained momentum but faded quickly, with little legislative action taken. [ more ]
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