Sexual harassment allegations linked to drop in citationsCitations for researchers accused of sexual misconduct decline following media coverage, unlike those accused of scientific fraud.
Why retractions data could be a powerful tool for cleaning up scienceIncreased pressure for rapid research publishing can lead to compromised research integrity, resulting in higher retraction rates.
China's supreme court calls for crack down on paper millsChina's supreme court is addressing fraudulent paper mills to combat research misconduct.
Why retractions data could be a powerful tool for cleaning up scienceIncreased pressure for rapid research publishing can lead to compromised research integrity, resulting in higher retraction rates.
China's supreme court calls for crack down on paper millsChina's supreme court is addressing fraudulent paper mills to combat research misconduct.
How blowing the whistle on the Theranos scandal transformed Erika Cheung's careerErika Cheung's whistle-blowing against Theranos highlights the risks and consequences of exposing scientific fraud in a toxic workplace.
BobbyBroccoli's science controversy videos give you great stories to tell at partiesBobbyBroccoli uniquely explores scientific controversies through animated documentaries, setting himself apart from other creators like Jon Bois.