Contrary to Occam's Razor, the Simplest Explanation Is Often Not the Best OneOccam's razor suggests that the simplest explanation may not always be the truth due to the complexity of the natural world.
Splitting the Hard Problem of Consciousness in TwoThe hard problem of consciousness needs to be divided into two distinct problems: the neurocognitive engineering problem and the enlightenment gap.
Contrary to Occam's Razor, the Simplest Explanation Is Often Not the Best OneOccam's razor suggests that the simplest explanation may not always be the truth due to the complexity of the natural world.
Splitting the Hard Problem of Consciousness in TwoThe hard problem of consciousness needs to be divided into two distinct problems: the neurocognitive engineering problem and the enlightenment gap.
When the Moon Hits Your Eye like a Big Pizza Pie, That's IllusionThe moon illusion causes the moon to appear significantly larger near the horizon compared to when it's overhead, despite its actual size being the same.